And for all ages, at that. Thought I'd write a quick note today to point a few of you in the direction of a website that I am totally in love with, because it helps with my stubborn kiddies - gives them something to strive for and something to help us keep track of things like good behaviour, chores, etc... and I can use it to reward them too! I dunno about your kids but my kids thrive on reasoning and having a reason to do things... sometimes just "because mama said so" isn't good enough. It should be good enough... but let's be realistic here... lol. Yeah... no.
So... it's over there in my links... *gestures thatta-way* ... it's called Handipoints. It's good for kids of most ages I would say... at least 3-16ish maybe? They get this little cat to dress up, and they get bonus stickers (which tell you all sorts of educational and interesting facts when they put them in their "album"). If you pay for a subscription they can use bonus points to buy clothes for their little cat person and stuff... which my kids love the idea of, but I won't pay for. Sorry guys, I'll promote ya but I ain't payin' for pixels, mates. They also have this little virtual world they can run around and do stuff in, and "chat" in. ...I use quotes because they can only say pre-selected phrases to each other - yay for pervert-free zones!
The main point of the site is that you can create lists (and user names) for each child (and parent), and they can earn (or lose) points for good or bad behaviour (like "Being polite" or "Being mean to your siblings"... "Colouring on your walls"... etc.)... for doing your chores (like "Cleaning your room"... "Feeding the cat"... "Clearing the table"... etc.) - - You can even make a "Learning" list... so they can get points for stuff like "Learn a new word" or "Get an A on a test". You can pick from a TON of pre-made selections but you can also create your own and assign as many or as few points as you want. Then, they can choose rewards to work towards.. or you can even assign quarters or nickels to their points, and pay them their allowance that way!
Anyway... when I remember to stick to the damn thing every day... it's great because if I say "clear the table", they don't throw a fit... they do it because they know they get a check mark! Is it bribery? Well... I guess sortof... lol... but when you have a 6-year old like mine who you'd literally have to duck-tape to a chair to enforce time-outs, and a 4-year old who stomps upstairs, hyperventilates and slams doors when you ask her politely to do something... let's face it... saying "Stop... take a breath... now come clean the table or you'll lose points for today" and having it WORK?... Well... let's just say it's awesome. So I'm sharing. :)
P.S. Bree & Nika each got gifted outfits from Grandma today... Bree's is a beautiful green velvet hippy looking thing... and Nika's is this AWESOME plaid-skirted dress complete with a "scottie dog" on the front, AND... get this... a matching plaid poncho and matching tam!! It's the most freaking adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. Promise to post pix when I find the camera.
One mama's quest to make positive changes, blow off some steam, and share great ideas with other mamas!
Welcome to my Mayhem!
I hope to help other mamas by sharing my solutions and ideas, fantastic finds, tips and tricks, and awesome other websites that might help you in your quest to be the most awesome mama you can be.
And don't worry, I am far from perfect - you'll find this is also my outlet of family related ups and downs, stresses and issues, rants and discussions... so you won't feel at all upstaged by lil' ol' me - you'll fit right in, I promise!
Come on by, drop some comments, leave me some suggestions, or your own finds to share - everyone's welcome!
(P.S. If you have a "mom blog", drop me a line and I might add you to my list over there...)
And don't worry, I am far from perfect - you'll find this is also my outlet of family related ups and downs, stresses and issues, rants and discussions... so you won't feel at all upstaged by lil' ol' me - you'll fit right in, I promise!
Come on by, drop some comments, leave me some suggestions, or your own finds to share - everyone's welcome!
(P.S. If you have a "mom blog", drop me a line and I might add you to my list over there...)
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